Technology, humanities knowledge, international work
Technology, humanities knowledge, international work is one of the so-called “work visa” categories.
This is one of the most common “work visas” to be obtained.
Before the law was amended, the “Technology” and “Humanities knowledge, international work” visas were separate, but now the visa is “Technology, humanities knowledge, international work”.
You can find an overview on the Types of Work Visas page, but here’s a more detailed explanation.
Examples of occupations

- IT engineers
- Interpretation
- Designer
- Language instructors in the private sector
The above jobs apply.
Application Requirements
In order to obtain a “Technology, humanities knowledge, international work” visa, you must meet all of the following requirements.
If you want a job that requires skills or knowledge in the field of natural science or humanities, you can choose one of the following three options You must meet one of the following criteria
- You must have graduated from a college or university, or have received an education equivalent to that of a college graduate, majoring in a subject related to your work.
- You must have completed a vocational school in Japan with a major in a subject related to your work.
- 10 years or more of work experience (including the period of study at a university, etc.).
If you are interested in a job that requires thinking or sensitivity based on a foreign culture, you must meet the following two criteria.
- Translation, interpretation, language instruction, public relations, publicity, publicity, overseas trading, clothing, interior design, product development, etc. work.
- At least three years of work experience (Except for university graduates who are translators, interpreters or language instructors).