What occupations are eligible for transfer to Technical Training No.2 ?
Technical internship No. 1 (first-year technical internship student with a one-year period of stay) will be accepted for practical training, except for simple work. There are no restrictions on the types of jobs you can do, but you can transfer to the “Technical Training No.2” program, which allows you to practice after your second year. The types of jobs and tasks are defined by law.
As of 2018, there are 139 jobs in 77 occupations that are eligible for transfer to Apprenticeship 2. The breakdown is as follows.
[Agriculture] 2 jobs, 6 operations
Two occupations: arable farming and livestock farming.
[Fishery] 2 occupations, 9 operations.
Two occupations: fishing boat fishing and aquaculture.
[Construction] 22 occupations, 33 operations.
Drilling, construction sheet metal, refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment installation, fixture making, construction carpentry, formwork installation, rebar installation, jumping and Stone installation, tiling, brickwork, plastering, plumbing, thermal insulation installation, interior finish installation, sash installation, and 22 occupations in waterproofing installation, concrete pumping installation, well point installation, surface decoration, construction equipment installation, and construction furnaces. is.
[food manufacturing] 9 occupations, 14 operations.
Canned food wrapping, poultry processing, heated seafood processing, non-heated seafood processing, marine products Manufacture of fish paste products, beef and pork slaughterhouse processing, ham, sausage and bacon manufacturing, bread manufacturing, and delicatessen manufacturing 9 occupations.
[Textiles and garments] 13 occupations 22 work
Spinning, weaving, dyeing, knitwear manufacturing, warp knitwear manufacturing, women’s and children’s clothing manufacturing, men’s clothing manufacturing, underwear, bedding, carpets, canvas products, fabric sewing, and seat seat seat sewing. 13 occupations.
[Machinery and Metal] 15 occupations, 29 operations.
Casting, forging, die-casting, machining, metal stamping, ironwork, factory sheet metal, plating, aluminum Anodizing, finishing, mechanical inspection, mechanical maintenance, electronic assembly, electrical assembly, printed wiring 15 occupations in plate manufacturing.
[Other] 13 occupations, 25 operations.
Furniture manufacturing, printing, bookbinding, plastic molding, reinforced plastic molding, painting, welding, industrial packaging, etc. 12 occupations: paper container and corrugated box manufacturing, ceramic industry product manufacturing, auto maintenance, building cleaning, and nursing Is.
[Occupations and tasks specified by the competent minister in a public notice] One job category, one task
This is one position in airport ground handling.

At the present stage, it is not possible to accept foreign technical training No.2 for occupations and tasks other than those listed here. Please use caution when considering.