What is the “specific industry field” for specific skill visas?

The “specific industry sector” in relation to the specific skills visa refers to the following 14 industries SMEs and small businesses, and other small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and other small businesses with a serious shortage of manpower and looking for people with a certain level of expertise and skills.
- Construction
- Shipbuilding and marine industry (engines (diesel engines, etc.), propellers, navigational equipment, and marine equipment on board ships) Industries that manufacture or supply cargo handling and other machinery
- Automobile maintenance business
- Aviation
- Lodging business
- Nursing care
- Building cleaning
- Agriculture
- Fisheries
- Food and beverage manufacturing industry
- Restaurant industry
- Formed Materials Industry
- Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
- Electrical and electronic information-related industries
Special Skills Category 2 (which allows you to stay in Japan with your spouse and children without any restrictions by renewing your stay, and also allows you to bring your spouse and children to Japan) (Qualifications) are limited to those who are either (1) in the construction industry or (2) skilled in the shipbuilding and marine industries.
Our office can assist you in the process of obtaining a specific skilled visa. Please feel free to contact us for more information.